Loves animals, plants, and technology

I am a user experience designer and engineer exploring new cultural genre through creativity and profound knowledge in culture, science, and technology. Especially, I am aspired to leverage the power of technology to improve ways people see, understand and experience the cultural heritages. My research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Heritage, Mixed Reality and Social Computing. I love to walk my dog, watch UFC, travel anywhere, and visit museums.


Jul 2019 - Present
Digital Curator
Exhibition & Planning Division, Seoul Museum of Craft Art

- Designing a new digital experience at the SMOCA

Visiting Researcher
Empathic Computing Lab (ECL Lab), University of South Australia

- Advisor: Mark Billinghurst

Aug 2018 - Sep 2018
Research Assistant
Ubiquitous Virtual Reality Lab (UVR Lab), KAIST

- Multiple research projects and inventions including KCTM, a mobile AR tour application

Sep 2014 - Jul 2019
Online Media Planner
Digital Advertising Department, Mezzo Media

- Planned and conducted online & mobile media advertising through market analysis and budgeting planning

Feb 2013 - Oct 2013
Ph.D. in Culture Technology
KAIST, Graduate School of Culture Technology

Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Digital Heritage, Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, Social Computing
Advisor: Woon-Tack Woo (UVR Lab)

Sep 2016 - Present
Master of Sciences in Culture Technology
KAIST, Graduate School of Culture Technology

Master Thesis: Practical Use of KCHDM Ontology Standard in Development of Cultural Heritage Mobile AR Information Service
Major Advisor: Jung-Wha Kim, Co-Advisor: Woon-Tack Woo

Mar 2014 - Aug 2016
Exchange Student in IAS Academic Program
UC Berkeley
Sep 2009 - May 2010
B.A. in Film, Television and Multimedia
Sungkyunkwan University, School of Art
Mar 2007 - Sep 2012
Jun 2017 - Dec 2019
Development of Infrastructure Technology for Creation of Cultural Contents Based on Spatial Data
Researcher, Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)

- Developed a Mixed Reality (MR) Application that facilitates a higher level of engagement by letting visitors of cultural heritage sites create and share their own location specific MR content

K-Culture Time Machine: Development of Creation and Provision Technology for Time-Space-Connected Cultural Contents
Researcher, Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)

- Developed an Augmented Reality Tour Application (K-Culture Time Machine) through semantic integration of cultural heritage databases
- Designed in-situ app for mobile device to inform users about cultural heritages by information (text, audio, image, video, 3D model) augmentation

Jun 2014 - Mar 2017
more information
A Study on The Master Plan of National Digital Heritage Museum of Korea
Researcher, Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea

- Planned the overall concept, exhibitions, and technology for National Digital Heritage Museum of Korea

May 2016 - Dec 2016
International Symposium on Digital Cultural Heritage (ISDCH)
Organizing Committee, City Government of Gyeongju

- A forum where interdisciplinary research and recent developments in technology for digital cultural heritage can be shared to enhance user experience focusing on 'Digital Cultural Heritage in Gyeongju'

May 2016 - Aug 2016
more information
  • Jaeeun Shin, Hayun Kim, Callum Parker, Hyungil Kim, Seoyoung Oh, and Woontack Woo. 2019. Is Any Room Really OK? The Effect of Room Size and Furniture on Presence, Narrative Engagement, and Usability During a Space-Adaptive Augmented Reality Game. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). To be published
  • Seungwon Kim, Gun Lee, Weidong Huang, Hayun Kim, Woontack Woo, and Mark Billinghurst. 2019. Evaluating the Combination of Visual Communication Cues for HMD-based Mixed Reality Remote Collaboration. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. available here
  • Hayun Kim, Sunyoung Bang, and Woontack Woo. 2018. Authoring Personal Interpretation in a 3D Virtual Heritage Site to Enhance Visitor Engagement. Digital Heritage 2018. available here
  • Hyerim Park, Eunseok Kim, Hayun Kim, Jae-eun Shin, Junki Kim, Kihong Kim, and Woontack Woo. 2018. K-Culture Time Machine: A Mobile AR Experience Platform for Korean Cultural Heritage Sites. HCI International 2018. available here
  • Whie Jung, Woojin Cho, Hayun Kim, and Woontack Woo. 2017. BoostHand: Distance-free Object Manipulation System with Switchable Non-linear Mapping for Augmented Reality Classrooms. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct). available here
  • Hayun Kim, Tamás Matuszka, Jea-In Kim, Jungwha Kim, and Woontack Woo. 2017. Ontology-based cultural heritage information modelling in mobile augmented reality. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. available here
  • Eunseok Kim, Noh-young Park, Jungi Kim, Jongwon Lee, Hyerim Park, Hayun Kim, Kihong Kim, Seungmo Hong, Jungwha Kim, and Woontack Woo. 2017. Wearable AR Platform for K-Culture Time Machine. HCI International 2017. available here
  • Hayun Kim, Lebogang Wame Molefi, Auk Kim, Woontack Woo, Aviv Segev, and Uichin Lee. 2017. It’s More than Just Sharing Game Play Videos! Understanding User Motives in Mobile Game Social Media. CHI'17 Extended Abstracts. available here
  • Hayun Kim, Tamás Matuszka, Jea-In Kim, Jungwha Kim, and Woontack Woo. 2016. An Ontology-based Augmented Reality Application Exploring Contextual Data of Cultural Heritage Sites. SITIS 2016, VICTA (Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications) Workshop. available here
  • Sunhyuck Kim, Jaeyeon Ahn, Juhee Suh, Hayun Kim, and Jungwha Kim. 2015. Towards a semantic data infrastructure for heterogeneous Cultural Heritage data-challenges of Korean Cultural Heritage Data Model (KCHDM). Digital Heritage 2015. available here
  • Hayun Kim, Sungeun An, Sangeun Keum, and Woontack Woo. 2015. H-treasure hunt: a location and object-based serious game for cultural heritage learning at a historic site. HCI International 2015. available here
  • Hayun Kim, Juhee Suh, Jaeyeon Ahn, and Jungwha Kim. 2015. Constructing a semantic wiki for living cultural heritage: case study of Korean tea culture. IMCOM 2015. available here
  • Jaeyeon Ahn, Juhee Suh, Hayun Kim, Sunhyuck Kim, and Jungwha Kim. 2014. Constructing database model for contextual information of cultural heritage resources. HCI Korea 2014. available here
  • Juhee Suh, Jaeyeon Ahn, Hayun Kim, and Jungwha Kim. 2014. Evaluation of an Interactive Multimedia Exhibit in the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, South Korea. NODEM 2014. available here
  • TTAK.KO-10.0850 Context-based Metadata Model for Cultural Heritage Data Aggregation. available here
art works
  • Blow Lights: Media Interaction Design (Arduino+LED strip+MaxMSP)